Saturday 15 June 2024


Ingredients....1 cup of medium grain rice, 500ml of boiling water, 750ml of milk, 125gm of 70% cocoa chocolate, broken into small pieces, 2 tbs of castor sugar, 1 tsp of vanilla extract, thickened cream to serve. Place the rice in a saucepan with 500ml of boiling water and stir until well combined. Boil, stirring ocassionally until the water is nearly absorbed. Now add 750ml of milk and bring to the boil over a medium heat , then reduce the heat to low and simmer, covered, until the rice is cooked and the pudding is thick and creamy. Add the chocolate and vanilla extract, stir until the chocolate has melted and well combined. Add to 2 tbs of castor sugar. To serve , spoon the rice between 4-6 ramequins topped with thickened cream.

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