Saturday 29 June 2024


Ingredients ....ripe tomatoes sliced, buffalo mozzarello sliced, red onion peeled and sliced, handful of basil leaves, white wine vinegar, E.V olive oil, sea salt, cracked black pepper, baby capers , dried oregano. To assemble the salad, lay slices of tomato on a serving dish and top with a slice of mozzarella cheese, and scatter over the basil leaves with sliced onion and sprinkle with sea salt, cracked black pepper, dried oregano and baby capers. Finish off drizzling the olive oil and basalmic vinegar over. serve this salad with crusty bread. OR Place all the above ingredients in order over a minced garlic brushed pizza base and bake in a well preheated oven (200deg C ). Either way DELICIOUS !!!

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