Thursday, 30 January 2025


What is a starter?... A starter is a is a bacterial or fungal culture used to initate fermentation and flavour development. Ingredients ....1/4 cup of warm water, 1 packet of insatnt dry active yeast (7gm), 1 cup of plain flour, 1 cup of castor sugar, 1 cup of milk. Do not use any metal spoons or bowls. In a small non metal bowl, combine the 1/4 cup of warm water and the dried active yeast. Set aside until bubbly.( about 10 minutes in a warm environment ). In a large non metal bowl mix together the flour, castor sugar. Stir in the cup of milk and the yeast mixture,( it will be lumpy ). Cover loosely and leave on your bench until bubbly. Pour the starter in a large ziplock bag. You are now on a wonderous food journey.... Seal the bag and squish, squash and mush until well combined. Let stand at room temperature overnight. Repeat the squishing process until day 6. Do not refrigerate the starter, if air gets in the bag, let it out. It is normal for the starter to rise and ferment.

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