Friday 5 September 2014


It`s all scientific , biology in fact .It`s about the development of the taste buds ... the receptors for hot and cold , the olfactory organ which detects odours and transmits them to the brain , nerve endings and mucous membranes indicative to liking or disliking things that are smooth , rough ,crisp  , grainy ...demanding that food feels right.
It`s not complicated....fussy eaters indicate a slowly developing palate.

There is a huge gap between the young and mature ,  long years between mud pies and beef , between tree climbing and social climbing , between fairy tales and the truth of graphic scenes on the nightly televised news.
Misery experienced at meal time can set the patterns  for a lifetime , by treating young children at the table as adults and forcing them to eat what they are not yet equipped to eat .
But I`m not wanting  you to confine the children to dull food ..lacking in flavour , your child`s olfactory develops with encouragement to try things .Try serving your child`s food at room temperature .
If your child will eat `take aways ` , that`s not about `fussy` it`s you encouraging poor eating habits .
Do not over look the importance of smell in nutrition ...pleasurable nutrition , bread baking , bacon frying , roasting meat and vegetables with the addition of herbs , bread toasting  or the simplicity of  the aromas released on peeling a mandarin.
 Aromas  of food cooking  stimulates the appetite .

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