Wednesday 13 March 2024


Ingredients required ....200gm of white chocolate broken into pieces , 90ml of cream , 60 gm of melted butter/ marg ,3 eggs separated, 75 gm of dark chocolate melted . Place the white chocolate pieces and the cream in a medium saucepan over a low heat . Cook , stirring until the chocolate melts and the mixture is combined . Remove from the heat and allow to cool slightly . Mix together the egg yolks with the melted butter / marg and then beat this mixture into the chocolate mixture and place the saucepan back over a low heat . Cook stirring constantly until mixture thickens . Remove from heat and cool slightly . Beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form . Fold the stiff egg whites into the chocolate mixture , pour the mixture into serving dishes / glasses . Chill for 2 hours or until set . Drizzle with the melted dark chocolate and chill until ready to serve .

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