Monday 4 March 2024

BANANA ICE CREAM ,( The old fashioned way )

Yes , I have all the whiz bang appliances , but nothing beats the old fashioned home made banana ice cream . Come on , I dare you , have a go .You will need an ice cream scoop , if you want to be presentation perfect . It's SIMPLY delicious . To prepare the ice cream you will need .....450 ml of milk ,175 gm of castor sugar ,3 eggs beaten , 1 tsp of vanilla extract ,450 ml of cream , 6 bananas , mashed . Place the milk , sugar and eggs in a small pan / pot and heat gently over a med / low heat , stirring constantly until the mixture thickens . Strain into a bowl and add the vanilla extract . Leave to cool . Whip the cream until slightly thickened and fold in the cooled custard . Stir in the mashed bananas . Pour into a container , cover and freeze until firm . Transfer to your refrigerator about 30 minutes before serving to soften .

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