Monday 4 March 2024


The ingredients needed for this dish ..450 gm of potatoes cut into quarters ,225 gm of sliced carrots ,1 onion chopped ,50 gm of sunflower seeds , 1/4 tsp of marjoram , 2 leeks sliced into rings ( white part only ), 2 tbs of minced garlic ,2 zucchini sliced ,100gm of sliced mushrooms ,1 tbs of dried grated Parmesan , 1 tbs of chopped parsley . Preheat your oven to 180 deg C . Lightly grease an ovenproof dish . Cook the potaoes and carrots together in salted boiling water , then drain and mash . Fry the onions and sunflower seeds in a frypan with 2 tbs of canola oil until the onions are tender . Stir the onion and sunflower mix into the mashed potatoes and carrots , add the marjoram and season with sweet paprika. Fry the leeks and 2 tbs of minced garlic in the oil for about 5 minutes . Season with a little cracked pepper add the sliced zucchini and mushrooms and cook for a further 5 minutes . Place half the leek mixture in the ovenproof dish . Spread half the potato and carrot mixture on top. Add the rest of the leek mixture , and then top with the remaining potatoe mix . Sprinkle the Parmesan over and bake for 25 minutes or until golden . Sprinkle the cooked dish with chopped parsley . I served this with slices of my sourdough bread .

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