Friday 11 May 2018


The sweet tasting water soluble monosaccharides and disaccharides crystallised from plant juices ( sucrose, fructose ) or obtained usually as syrups, by breaking down starch ( glucose, maltose )
1 tsp sugar ( any type of sugar regardless of colour or name  ) = 68kj ( 16 cal ).
There are very few benefits of sugar other than to sweeten .
Raw sugar , white sugar  , rapadura sugar lump sugar and coconut sugar are all suitable to sweeten tea and coffee or as a sweetener as required in recipes .
The difference between brown and white sugar is the amount of molasses retained during processing which gives it the colour and flavour
Brown sugars , Jaggery and palm sugar are suitable for baking and desserts where a richer flavour and darker colour are required , such as brownies , fruit cakes , chocolate cakes and caramel based desserts .
Fortunately there many healthy alternate options to sugar .
We have made sugar the enemy by our over use of it .

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