Saturday 14 June 2014


I am often being asked about Haggis and though I have discussed it before I think it is time to revisit what a haggis is .
Haggis is Scottish in origin . The traditional haggis is a pudding or sausage made from the minced innards of a sheep ...heart, lungs  and liver mixed with oatmeal , suet , minced onions , spices , herbs and seasonings all encased in the lining of the sheep`s stomach and boiled prior to being served hot .
Haggis is still sold commercially from speciality delicatessens and more commonly stuffed in plastic casings.
Traditionally haggis are served at Burn`s night suppers served with tatties , bashit neeps , and an excess of whisky , whilst the Burns` Ode to Haggis is recited with due ceremony .
Through my reading of history , some suggest the haggis originated with the Romans , who when campaigning packed iron rations in a sheeps stomach.

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