Wednesday 11 June 2014


Pigeon and Squab should never be confused and should be used in  totally different dishes .
Squab is baby pigeon and is killed before it learns to fly and is very tender. Squab can be expensive depending on its availability.
Pigeon is caught in the wild and is of indeterminate age and quality.
Squab is extremely easy to cook with.....Simply roasted and served with a jus or with pasta in a home made sauce.
Pigeon is great in slow cooked dishes or  homemade pies. Pigeons are excellent  stuffed with sausage mince and olives , served with polenta or a grain of your choice.
The heart and liver of the squab removed after roasting are amazing sliced on a crouton with pepper and a dob of olive oil.
Try......Fresh fig and ginger with lemon butter squab.....Maggies 475.


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