Tuesday 10 June 2014


 Make a pastry by adding sufficient water to  1. cup of self raising flour , 1 egg and 1 ounce  of dripping and a pinch of salt. Consistency should be that of a scone dough.
Wrap in glad wrap and refrigerate .

For the topping  cook 1.5 pounds of potatoes  and mash with 1. egg . milk or cream , seasoning  and a handful of grated cheese and  breadcrumbs  along with finely sliced flat leafed parsley . Mix well till creamy.

Fry  1. onion  and 3 rashers of bacon finely diced , also add 1. cup of whole kernel corn

To Assemble..
Line a pie dish or rectangle casserole dish with the pastry and bake at 200Deg C  for 15 minutes or till golden brown  .
Spread the bacon, corn and onion   mix over the pastry
Then top with the creamed potato .
Cover with grated cheese and bread crumbs and dot with butter or margarine..
Place in the oven and bake at 180 Deg C for 30 minutes or until golden brown .
Serve hot or cold , this slice cuts really well.


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