Friday 6 September 2024


This is delicious, a Saturday well spent. Ingredients..... 500 gm of pork mince , 150gm of crumbled feta cheese, 5tbs of dried fennel, 2 tbs of minced ginger, 1 cup of dry white wine, 1 bunch of broccolini, chopped, 1 zucchini sliced into sticks, 3 rounds of dried fettucine pasta, 1 onion peeled and thinly sliced, 4 cups of water and finally 1 x 50gm packet of dried chicken noodle soup. In a large bowl mix the pork mince with the crumbled feta cheese , 2 tbs of dried fennel seeds, 2 tbs of minced garlic. Preheat your oven to 150 deg c. Roll the combined mince into golf sized balls and place in a lightly oil sprayed pan. Add the thinly sliced onion to the pan with the pork balls. Place the pan in the preheated oven to seal the meatballs and onions. In the meantime, place 1 cup of dry white wine in a soup pot along with 4 cups of water, 2 tbs of fennel seeds and 1/4 tsp of salt. Place the pot over a low heat, adding the chopped broccolini and sticks of zucchini and bring to a gentle simmer. Now sprinkle over the contents of the dried chicken noodle soup packet, stir through with a wooden spoon until well combined. Transfer the sealed meatballs and onions to the soup pot and stir through, over the low heat. Bring back to a slow simmer and finally add the 3 rounds of( broken ) fettucine pasta to the soup , continue to simmer and stir until the pasta is tender. This is so good , I just might start taking myself seriosly as a home cook.

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