Wednesday 18 January 2017


People come along to my classes , seek advice and commonly tell me they have followed a recipe to the word but still ended up with a dismal failure . Why ?
Overlooking all the frivolity of butterflies , daisy covered meadows and all that is made of  ending wars  , making friends , achieving satisfaction , even finding love , solace and sustenance simply by having the capacity to cook .
It is not so simple for most people...... because there is a science to food and the cooking processes .
Simple enough at the beginning , the difference between sugar and salt , butter , margarine and oil .
Let`s move on and understand why foods react and taste differently when cooked in any of the above ingredients , or in a combination of them .
Why do egg whites make things light and egg yolks make them heavy , ? Knowing when to put salt in the end or at the beginning of cooking .
The simplicity of not adding the chicken skin when making a chicken stock , these things are not a given to all people .
Is there a difference in taste between sliced and crushed garlic ?
When baking apples why do you leave the core in but it`s ok to peel them ?
The little things , that can make a difference between meals that fill empty stomachs  and meals that feed our soul and body .
Start simple , adhere to basic principles  , nurture and care for  the ingredients you use .
Stand back and be proud of your effort and the end result .


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