Wednesday 6 August 2014


I need organisation and routine to function .
Since March this year my world has turned upside down and my hours of work are all over the shop , I am by no means whinging I love my life and the world of food and public speaking ....but trying to find a routine is impossible when every week is different .
I am learning and exploring new and old concepts with food and  totally hooked on culinary history ...there is so much to learn .
My cooking classes are proving very popular and now I`m getting a mix of males to the classes.
Tuesday class each  deboned a chicken without putting many tears in the skin , in some cases there were no tears at all , they did really well for a first attempt.
Thursday night class requested a lesson on finger food , I have given that some thought and decided to spend the session making the ultimate finger food from scratch ...PIZZA.
We will make 2 pizzas each...... one savoury and one sweet plus the pizza base
I am doing a class at a local secondary college tomorrow ,there is also an order of apple and custard muffins and a raspberry and coconut slice to be made .
I made an absolute beautiful chocolate and beetroot cake on Monday along with a ricotta, lemon and spinach loaf which disappeared very quickly.
I will put the recipes for both cakes up on the blog in the next couple of days.
To my disappointment it is apparent that we are lacking understanding on the basic principles of cooking appears that you are more interested in  downloading recipes from the net that are attached to some super photo that catches your eye .
Just a simple question when the recipe calls for the sugar and eggs to be mixed till they are pale and light you understand the process ?
Do you know how long it takes to boil a soft boiled egg ?
Why do people have trouble making pork crackle you know from what part of the pig gives us crackling .?
What do you do when the custard starts to split ?
Learn the basics people .......!
I will be back tomorrow with lots of new recipes and some tips for  the basic principles of cooking.

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