Sunday 17 September 2023


TO BEAT ...Vigorous mixing with a spoon or electric beater . TO BLEND ....combine one ingredient with another until completely mixed together , either using a fork ,wooden spoon or electric beater . TO CREAM ....refers to butter or margarine , alone or mixed with castor sugar until light , pale and fluffy . TO FOLD ....carefully mix one mixture into another , usually a light one such as whipped egg whites into heavier mixture . Folding involves gently making a figure eight with a metal spoon and being careful to knock out the air of the lighter mixture .. TO STIR ....mixcarefully in a circular motion ( in the one direction ) to combine . TO WHIP ....beat rapidly with a whisk or electric beater to incorporate as much air as possible. Egg whites or cream are examples of ingredients that need to be whipped . TO BAKE BLIND .....precook your pastry by lining it with non stick baking paper , weighing it down with uncooked rice , pastry weights or dried pulses and baking it in the oven . TO COOK IN A BAIN MARIE / WATER BATH your lemon delicious or pudding dish in a baking pan filled with hot water reaching half way up the sides of the dish , this method protects any delicate mixture that requires a gentle and indirect heat ... Hope this helps ....

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