Monday 1 November 2021


Today was day 10 of my sourdough starter . I divided the starter I have been feeding for 10 days , with 1 cup of starter I made a chocolate mousse bread . With another cup of starter I prepared bread . I have 3 bags over which I will use start the process of the 10 day starter again. This is a great way to share the recipe and a bag of starter when friends visitors who arrive . I have previously given you the steps to make the 10 day starter and the sweet I am sharing the friendship bread recipe with you . After the day 10 feeding of the sourdough batter , remove 1 cup . In a non metallic bowl dissolve 7 gms of instant dried yeast in 1 cup of lukewarm water and let stand until creamy ( about 10 minutes ). Now mix together 1 cup of the friendship starter with the yeast mix , 3 tbs of canola oil , 2 cups of OO mid protein flour and 1 tsp of salt in a large non metallic bowl . Finally add another cup of OO flour in 1/4 cup increments , stirring after each addition . Now place this mixture in the bowl of your mixture and mix with dough hooks until smooth and elastic .( 10 minutes ). Remove the dough and shape into a ball , spray with cooking oil and place in a bowl and cover with a damp cloth and let the dough rise in a warm place until double in size(1 hour). Preheat your oven for 30 minutes 190 deg C . Deflate the dough It's your choice of the shape of the bread you want . You can use a 5' x 9' loaf pan , or just fold the risen dough into a ball and place on a baking paper lined oven tray . Bake in the well preheated oven for 45 minutes or until the the crust is golden .

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