Sunday, 18 February 2024


The ingredients needed for this savoury cake are 2 medium onions ,300gm of couscous , 200gm of grated tasted mozarella cheese . and a handful of celery leeves. Peel , halve ,quarter and thinly slice two onions . Finely chop a handful of celery leaves . Heat 3 tbs of canola oil in a pan and add the sliced onions over a medium heat until the onions are tender and golden . Stir in the chopped celery leaves . Put the couscous in a large heatproof bowl and pour over 450 ml of boiling water , cover and set aside for 15 minutes or until all the water has been absorbed . Remove the cooked onions and celery leaves with a slotted spoon and stir theminto the couscous . Now add the grated cheese and 1 dsp of minced garlic and 1 dsp of dried chilli , stir thoough to combine . Heat 2 tbs of canola oil in a large frypan and add the onion and couscous mixture , pat down firmly to form a a cake and and cook over a gentle heat for 15 minutes or until the underside is crisp and golden . Slide the cake onto a plate then invert it back into the pan to cook the other side . Cook for a further 6 minutes or until golden ,then remove from the heat . Slide onto a serving plate and serve sliced into wedges .

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