Thursday 5 July 2018


What is Ladder ?
It is a 6 week program , mostly  funded by the players from our great Australian Football League ( AFL ) , and is  about  getting  the best out of yourself and land a job that you actually want .
This program is aimed at particpants 16 - 25 and is designed to encourage and support the participants in gaining confidence and developing skills to start a meaningful career .
I was honoured to be invited to contribute to the program .
Our 1st session was amazing ...
You prepared oatmeal hermits .....a breakfast alternative ..... your effort and the results were perfect .
You also prepared Latkes ( Jewish potato  cakes ).....what can I say , your prep was perfect and I know you liked them ate them as you made them  .
You .....all of you have so much potential
Remember our discussion ...we are all cooks ,
We  cook food to eat
We eat to survive .
No matter what your intended career ...with cooking you  learn so many skills that will stay with you for life .
1.Your need to eat to live .
2. Homemade meals are more economical and healthy
3.Cooking encourages creativity
4. Mathematical skills with weights and measurements
5. The community of food .
6. The other arm of cooking is the growing of produce .
7. The health and safety industry of food .
8. Computers will never take your cooking job.
Looking forward to our next session on Tuesday
Noelene Marchwicki

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