Monday 19 December 2016


Peel and chop 12 large apples ,3 medium onions .
Place the chopped onions and apples in a large pot and add 450gm of date paste cut into cubes .
2 cups of sugar ,  1200ml of malt vinegar , 3 tbs of ground ginger , 1 tsp of mustard powder and 1 tsp of cayenne pepper  ( 1 tsp upto 1 tbs of cayenne pepper but add according to taste ..always start small and keep adding ..remembering the heat will intensify ).
Lastly add 115 gm of salt to the mix and slowly bring to the boil .
Reduce heat and simmer until very soft about 2 hours , then add 1/2 cup of chia seeds , continue to simmer for 20 minutes .
Pour into sterilised jars and seal securely when cool .
Serve as a condiment with meats and grains or with crackers alongside a cheeseboard .

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