Monday 28 July 2014


The potatoes should be a firm yellow variety preference for chips is the  Dutch cream variety, cut into sticks of varying thickness..
Wash the cut potatoes and dry with a thick paper towel .
Heat the oil or fat in a deep fryer or large saucepan , it should be around the 150 deg C mark.
Plunge the chips in the frying basket and let them cook for 8 minutes .
Take the chips out with a slotted spoon or straining skimmer or simply remove the frying basket and Turn the chips out onto absorbent kitchen tissue.
Raise the temperature of the oil to 170 deg C.
Now plunge the chips back in the frying basket., keep shaking the basket so that the chips stay separated.
Fry for 2 minutes  , just enough to make them golden brown and crisp.
Take them out of the oil again , and turn them  onto fresh absorbent  kitchen paper .
Sprinkle with fine salt or better still freshly ground salt from the salt mill.
Serve immediately.

It is the second dip in hotter oil which gives the chips their impermeable crust . they become puffed up by the volatilisation  of the water trapped inside is the same principle used in making pommes soufflés ..

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