Monday 29 July 2024


These are easily prepared and great for morning or afternoon tea . Preparing any food you are about to enjoy is always welcoming to your guests / friends. Ingredients.......50 gm of plain flour, 1/2 tsp of baking powder, 1 tbs of castor sugar, 25gm of dried fruit (I use cranberies), 1 beaten egg, 50 ml of milk, 15gm of butter/ marg. Mix together the flour and baking powder and stir in the sugar and dried fruit . Add the egg and milk ,stir with a wooden spoon to a smooth batter. Now wait till your friend/s arrive. Melt the butter the marg/butter in a large pan, add spoonfuls of the mixture to the pan and cook until lightly browned ( this mixture makes 6 small drop scones). Once the surface is bubbling , turn over and cook until lightly browned . Serve the drop scones with a drizzle of clear honey and fresh brewed coffee and or tea. Enjoy sharing with your friend/s.

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