Sunday 10 April 2016


Place your food processor bowl and blade in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to chill .
Separate 3 eggs  and place 3 egg whites and 1 tsp of salt in the chilled bowl along with 200gm of skinned flathead .
Process until well combined .
Turn your processor down to slow and add 1/2 cup of cream , continue to process till well combined and smooth .
 Place in a bowl , cover and refrigerate .
Now line a baking tray with baking paper .
Shape the fish mixture into quenelles ( small oval shapes ) , place the quenelles onto the baking tray and refrigerate until ready to  cook
To prepare the sauce , place 1 and 1/4 cups of fish stock ,with 1/2 cup of Chinese cooking wine and 1/2 cup of cream .
Bring this to the boil over a med heat and simmer for 8 minutes , by this time the sauce will have reduced by half .
Add a pinch of saffron powder and 1/2 cup of fresh sage ( torn ).
Reduce heat to low and let simmer allowing flavours to infuse for 6 minutes .
Using a deep frypan add 1and 1/4 cups of fish stock and 2 cups of water over a med heat , when the stock starts to  simmer gently slide the baking paper with the quenelles on into the simmering stock .
After 10 seconds remove the baking paper .
Cook for 5 minutes or until the quenelles turn white and cook through .
Carefully remove the quenelles with a slotted spoon and place on serving plates .
Spoon over the sauce and sprinkle with crushed black pepper .

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