Friday 20 October 2023


The way honey tastes and smells and what consistancy it possesses are determined by the kind of flower whose nectar the bees have gathered before producing it and storing it in the wax combs . Australian honeys are unique in the world due to our eucalypts , there are around 500 species and varieties of these amazing trees. Eucalypts can be classified into bark groups , for example Box, Gum ,Stringybark , Ironbark, Wrinklebark , Peppermint and Mallees each producing their own hoey . Honey is also extracted from an assortment of flora .. .Leatherwood, Banksia , Blackberry , Orange Blossom , Salvation Jane and the rest . Honeys vary greatly in colour , texture and aroma . Flavours range from very sweet , distinctive and strong flavoured . This is where your journey begins , experiencing all the flavour combinations from differnt areas across Australia and your local area .

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