Friday 11 August 2023


First thing to do is to place 85 gm of sultanas and 2 tbs of apera in a small bowl to soak , set aside . Now place 3 cups ( 750 ml )of milk in a saucepan with 1 cup of thickened cream and 1 tsp of vanilla extract . Bring this mixture to a slow simmer and then remove from heat , stir through 50 gm of castor sugar , 1/2 tsp of ground cinnamon , a good pinch of ground nutmeg , 1 tbs of grated lemon rind . Add 1/2 cup ( 110 gm ) of risotto rice to the infused milk mix and return to the heat. Bring to a soft simmer and stir slowly until the rice is creamy ( about 30 minutes ). Now stir in the marinated sultanas . Stir to combine . This desert can be served warm or cold .

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